the Ideal Student for the Holistic RN Patient Advocacy Training Institute
Ideal student?
Who is the ideal student for Karen Sander’s Holistic RN Patient Advocacy Training Institute?
- Registered Nurse with at least 15 years of experience, a valid North Carolina or other State Board of Nursing license, with no pending disciplinary actions.
- Professional who speaks with passion and wants to make positive changes in themselves by doing this great work and also in the lives of patients and families with whom they touch.
- A caring individual who truly seeks to help those around them by doing what it takes to get them the support they need the most.
- Someone who wants to expand the amount of light and kindness in the world by interacting through positivity and generosity.
We welcome you to join us in the creation of a new professional path with love, encouragement, courage, and nurturance with the RN Patient Advocacy of NC.
Click here for the Holistic RN Patient Advocacy Training Institute Brochure
Contact Karen Today
- Phone (828) 778-8882
- E-mail Karen@RNPatientAdvocacyNC.com