Karen Sanders and Said Osio invite you to a very special virtual screening on of the new acclaimed documentary “The Last Ecstatic Days,” followed by a post-screening discussion and breakout groups
Celebrating Our Everyday Heroes: National Nurse Week
In the bustling corridors of hospitals, the quiet sanctuaries of clinics, and the comforting spaces of homes, there exists a group of individuals who embody compassion, skill, and unwavering dedication.
Iris flower reminds us to use our wisdom in times of stress and burnout
A new study found that over a quarter of nurses in the US plan to leave the industry or retire in the next five years due to stress, burnout, or retirement.
The survey revealed that 50% of nurses felt...
Enneagram Personality Types
The Enneagram Personality Types are a particular system of analysis that represent the spectrum of possible personality types. It is also part of the learnings of the Holistic RN Patient Advocacy Training...
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New and Exciting Holistic RN Patient Advocacy Training Institute
Welcome experienced nurses to my blog and website.
I’m excited to inform you about a new opportunity called the Holistic RN Patient Advocacy Training Institute.
We are excited to offer this opportunity...