Save the Date to Join us on Thursday, August 29th
The Elder Nurse Corps are meeting for the third time.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Land of the Sky United Church of Christ, 15...
RN Patient Advocacy Strategies for Hospitalized Patients at HCA Hospital, Asheville, NC
January 23, 2024, 6:30pm to 8:30pm, AVL Watchdog Panel, AB Tech, Asheville, NC
“HCA-Mission at Five Years: What Can We Do to Restore Better Healthcare in WNC?”
Many thanks to co-panelists Peter Lewis,...
Patient Advocacy During a Hospital Stay
When patients learn that they or their loved one needs to be admitted to a hospital, it can seem frightening and overwhelming to enter such unfamiliar territory, especially with a layman’s limited...
WAKE to Post-COVID Opportunities
WAKE to the new opportunities of post-COVID.
How will you rise to the challenges of post-COVID?
What opportunities will there be for you?
How can you leverage technology to help you?
In Asheville,...
Moral Injury of Nurses
Why Unionize?
Moral Injury is a deep soul wound that pierces a person’s identity, sense of morality, and relationship to society” when working in our current healthcare system.
Moral injury...
Wear A Face Mask
Tell you community that you care, wear a face mask to minimize the spread of COVID 19.
Face masks are effective as Karen Sander’s discusses an article from the Alaska Department of Health...
COVID and Job Hunting
As a 50+ job applicant, are you prepared?
RN Patient Advocacy has tips to prepare for you job interview with sensitivity to the COVID-19 environment.
Referenced article – “The Risks-Know...
Private Practice for RNs: A Practical Path to Professional Empowerment
Do any of these comments sound familiar?
“My present RN position doesn’t allow me to practice nursing in a way that’s personally fulfilling.”
“The time and work pressures of my job shoot my stress...
Plan, Launch, and Scale Your Own Holistic RN Patient Advocacy Practice
Nurturing, Loving and Caring Opportunities for Nurses
Are you tired of the negativity and frustration?
Nurses can work in a more nurturing, loving and caring environment.
Launch your Holistic RN Private...
Opportunities to practice Holistic RN Patient Advocacy in North Carolina
North Carolina Today
In North Carolina, there are more than 2 million people over the age of 60 right now.
This number will only increase in the next several years – a 50% increase in just the...
Our Core Holistic RN Patient Advocacy Training Institute
Core Holistic Program
Our core holistic program includes the following features:
Private Practice Preparation
This program is designed to train Holistic RN Patient Advocates, with an interest and background...
Geriatric Case Management – Givens Estates
Givens Estates Presentation
Givens Estates in Asheville, North Carolina is a non-profit retirement community on a large 200+ acre campus that provides a diversity of programs and services.
Karen Sanders,...